4 Tips for Staying Organized in the Busy World of PR

4 Tips for Staying Organized in the Busy World of PR

The world moves fast, but the pace of a public relations specialist moves even faster. In a profession of multitasking, it is crucial to stay organized. Here are our tips to help you stay on top of your PR game.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Often times, the to-do list you may start your day with becomes a to-do novel before you even get to lunch. When prioritizing tasks, always pay attention to deadlines and complete tasks accordingly. When managing multiple accounts, be mindful of the attention you are giving to each. Every account should be feeling the love daily. Organize your tasks to make sure each client has been supported in one way or another. 

Use Your Calendar 

Your calendar is not just for meeting reminders, it can also be to remind you of deadlines, when to follow up on a pitch, upcoming national holidays that benefit your clients, award nominations, etc. We like to put everything on our calendar so we don’t skip a beat! 

Keep your Workspace Organized

Cluttered desk, cluttered mind. Keeping a clean desk or work area will aid in keeping your mind focused on your daily tasks. Remove any unneeded clutter, old mail, empty coffee cups, photos of your ex, whatever is taking up space! Take advantage of organizational storage for pens, notebooks and any other tools that you need readily available. 

Remember to Take Breaks

As much as we emphasize the fast-pace world of PR, it is important to remember to slow down when you need to. This can also be a way to utilize your calendar. If you need to schedule yourself a 15-minute break during the afternoon, block it off in your calendar and give yourself some grace. We find that a quick break will usually restart our creative flow.