How to Prepare for a Media Interview

How to Prepare for a Media Interview 

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the spotlight, proper preparation is the key to ensuring a successful and impactful interview. Here are a few of our tips to help you navigate the media interview landscape with confidence and finesse.

Know Your Message 

It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the message you want to convey during your interview. Review any talking points and key takeaways you want noted, including a final kicker quote summarizing your main talking points. Nine times out of 10 there will be an opportunity at the end of the interview to summarize your thoughts, usually through the question “Do you have anything else to add?” Journalists find that is one of the most organic ways to get a great quote! 

Learn the Value of the Pivot

It’s impossible to know every question that will be asked in the interview. Anticipate any curve balls by practicing pivots back to your main talking points to avoid answering questions you are not prepared for. Phrases like “I can’t speak for all companies but in my experience,” help bring the interview back to focus on the talking points and allow you to emphasize your message. 

Understand the Interview Format

Are you being filmed? Will it be pre-recorded? Is it for print or broadcast? These are all factors that lead to the success of an interview. If the interview is for TV, think about what you are wearing and what translates well on camera. Outfits with loud prints and aggressive logos can be distracting on air, while stacked jewelry like bangles or necklaces can cause added noise pollution. Stick to clothing with the company branding or solid colors and keep the microphone placement in mind. You most likely will have to wear a mic with a wire inside your outfit unless they have a handheld microphone available. It’s important to not look directly at the camera, instead focus your attention on the interviewer. For those who fidget when nervous, find a natural stance that will prevent it from being noticeable. 

In the current age of Zoom, many interviews are being done online. While convenient, there is more to keep in mind. Headphones ensure the best quality audio is captured. You will also want keep your video feed in mind. Zoom usually captures interviews from the shoulders up, but a lot of the background is visible. Zoom offers a test room for you to check video and audio quality, making it easy for you to do a quick check on what the interview will look like! 

Media interviews can be powerful tools for building your brand and sharing your expertise! By diligently preparing and honing your communication skills, you can confidently navigate the spotlight, leaving a lasting and positive impression on your audience.